Not sure if it's all the sugar around here, but we've had lots of happy smiles lately. Smiling has a natural way of making your day brighter....we should all smile a little more often.
*Can't help but chuckle when my naked toddler takes off her clothes for bath and instantly breaks away from the bathroom to do the "naked baby run".
*Or get super smiley when Ashlyn gets so proud of herself after singing her ABC's.
*Feel happy and smile while going on a hunt to see the moon every night once it's dark out.
*And if these big grins don't make you smile......not sure what will!

We had so much fun taking Ashlyn out for her first Trick or Treating adventure. For weeks she was telling people how she was going to be a "Muunkey" for Halloween, and practiced saying Trick or Treat. She was super duper excited when she saw the kids outside the neighborhood in costumes and was ready to go. Ashlyn lasted about an hour, got to get candy from the ambulance, and was polite and adorable at each door she went up to. Austin slept the whole way of course. And I got lots of laughs at the monkey/banana duo. Needless to say, I think Halloween is a hit and we'll be even more excited next year.
My Little Monkey and Banana

Getting Candy from the Ambulance

Daddy pulling Ashlyn house to house in the wagon

Mommy carrying my little banana boy

Ashlyn was eating the banana

Standing proudly on the front steps with her bucket of candy

Mommy and Daddy even got to go celebrate Halloween with a couple hours out on Saturday night. We threw together our Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee costumes that day, I think we pulled it off pretty well. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I was excited to get to celebrate a little bit and have a few hours baby free. Till next year!