Monday, August 23, 2010

Obessions of August

Ashlyn and I both have our own obsessions these days.
For me it's........
Wearing black! Can't blame a 36 week pregnant girl for feeling better in black!

For Ashlyn it's.......
Papa! The girl seriously can't get enough grandpa time. And she loves hanging out with her cousins Nick and Molly.

And going to the zoo! We had a fun visit with our neighbor Christian and the Ireton girls last week.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tired and Lazy

Honestly I have been feeling a bit too tired and lazy to post over the last week. I don't remember feeling this tired during my last month with Ashlyn, but then again I wasn't chasing around a Toddler everyday. I've gone back to taking naps when Ashlyn naps, and am totally beat by 10:00 at night. Guess i shouldn't feel guilty, should stock up on the sleep while I can. Not quite ready for sleepness nights again.

My girlfriend Peachy, who was due the week before me, had her baby last week. Little Nina Lane is doing well and out of the NICU, but the whole thing kind of jolted me into realizing a baby could come any time for us too. I went into full nesting mode today and washed the car seat cover, sheets, bouncer/swing covers, ect. Guess it's better to have it done early than come home to a bunch of stuff needing taken care of.

We had fun hanging out with Madison and Graham while they were home after Tyler's wedding. Wish they lived closer so the kids could be together more often. Always makes for fun times and great memories!

Last weekend we went up to Devil's Lake in MI for the Aubry Summer Reunion. We didn't get to go to the Aubry Christmas last year, so it was great to catch up with that side of the family and see lots of Matt's cousins. Maybe next summer I won't be pregnant and can enjoy myself a little bit more. It was still lots of fun, and Ashlyn loved boating and being by the water again. We even got to make a quick stop in and see Grandma Bayer in Perrysburg, Ashlyn liked riding around on her scooter chair. 4 Generations in one room, so sweet!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wedding and a Hoe Down

We had a great time celebrating Tyler and Laura's wedding last weekend. The whole family came into town to enjoy the festivities. We stayed at a super nice home on Indian Lake and made the trip to Celina for the rehearsal dinner and wedding. It was a great weekend, and a fun get away for the whole family.

Here are all the pictures from the weekend!!

Want to see a 33 week pregnant girl do the Cotton Eye Joe Hoe Down??? Who needs alcohol or a flat belly to let loose on the dance floor? Not me!!!!

Almost 34 weeks..... Eek! I am most certainly getting really big really fast in these last few weeks. I've been telling people I only have like 5 weeks to go, is that wrong?!?!?! Still feeling good and moving fast.