Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Delta Girls and A Birthday

If you recall way back, I was due to have Ashlyn the week after my girlfriend Stephanie, and the week before Peachy. It has been so much fun talking to these ladies as we've gone through the past year and a half. Fate brought us all together once again in perfect timing. I got to spend a full week with Steph and Addie here in Cincinnati, and then a week later Matt, Ashlyn and I headed to New Braunfels, Texas for a long weekend with Peachy, Porter and Rhett. (Peachy is due to have her second baby the week before me this time) *Also got to see my college roommate Sarah, her daughter Rollins, and her family during our Texas visit. Man have i missed that girl and her parents!!!!
Both visits were SO much fun. We had some unfortunate rainy ohio days during Steph's visit, and some unfortunate travel woes on our way to Texas. But overall both visits were a complete success, and it was so much fun watching the kids interact. Over the past two weeks Ashlyn has been to the bounce house, zoo, waterpark, on airplanes and so much more. Been a busy May for us, but I am beyond blessed and thankful for such amazing friends and their beautiful children.

In the speck of time we had between the two visits. Matt and I had a joint 30th Birthday party at the house. We had a lot of friends who were unable to come, but still had a decent turnout. Decided to go easy on myself and had the birthday cake made, and Qdoba did all the food. We did a hot nacho/fajita bar. It was so good, and the best idea i've ever had. I think i will now cater every party I throw. 30th Birthday......Check!

**Ashlyn started wearing bows in her hair. Addie always had one in, so now she has to wear one too. I love it!!! Thanks Addie!
Pictures from Stephanie and Addie's visit:

Pictures from our 30th Birthday Party:
Pictures from Texas on my picasa web album:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

I didn't get to post prior to Mother's Day, but I wanted to be sure I sent out love to all my beautiful and amazing mother's and friends. I think it hard to think of myself as the person who Mother's Day should be about. All i think about is my mom, and how amazing she was. But Matt and Ashlyn made sure that I knew I was loved and appreciated. I got the cutest little duck card, and a beautiful Lily to plant in the yard. I'll think of Ashlyn every time I look at it. Makes me smile!!!!! So it is ok for mother's day to be about me, and I'm happy to say I loved it. I know mom is smiling down on us, i'm a great mother because of her!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh so Lucky!

First off.....Congrats Ashley on your Graduation from Michigan! We are so proud of you and know it was a long and tough 2 years. Glad I got to be
there to celebrate this moment with you!

How did I get so lucky. I have amazing friends, family, and couldn't ask for anything more. My 30th birthday was more than what I could have expected. Matt got up with Ashlyn so that I could sleep in, the weather was amazingly gorgeous so we took a long long walk, got tons of phone calls and e-mails from friends, and matt made arrangements for his parents to take ashlyn for the night on Friday so that we can go down on the river for a nice dinner. All i asked for was a birthday party and a nice dinner. I'm getting both.....yippee!!!!!

My In-laws also threw the most amazing birthday bash. They decorated the house with "30" decorations, had great food, invited all my family to their house, and made me feel really really special. I truly feel blessed. I thought this birthday year would be easier without mom, but for some reason it was a little bit harder. Maybe because last time was so close to the her death, or because it was a "big" birthday. My friends and family certainly filled that void and made my day perfect. So thank you to everyone, I feel loved!

A few pictures from the party: