Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Newborn pictures

Took Ashlyn to get her newborn pictures last night. For a little girl that sleeps all day long, she was crazy active and awake. Made it tough to get those curled up newborn photos, but we got a lot of cute wide eyed shots instead. Here are the teasers she posted on her blog, and hopefully I'll get to see all of them early next week.

Ashlyn's Birth Story

I woke up Tuesday morning at 4:30am to pee, as I walked to the bathroom i felt a big gush of water like I peed my pants. I called my dad and he told me to pack a bag and head to the hospital. We showered, shaved, packed a bag, and got up to Kettering Hospital around 6:00am. I wasn't having anything more than menstrual cramping. They checked me and I was 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced with contractions every 2 minutes apart. I was feeling achy pain in my back, but not much more than that.

My dad told me to request the epidural before I was in pain, so I put in the request around 8:45. They did the epidural at 9:20, it hurt, but nothing more than a stinging sensation. Matt almost passed out at this point, they had to get him some OJ and peanut butter:) It wasn't the needle, but he had taken allergy medicine, hadn't eaten yet and I was squeezing him really hard. They then started the pitocin to keep my contractions going strong.

From that point on I just laid around talking to my mom andMatt, and was dilating a little quicker than 1 cm an hour. At 3:00 I was ready to push. I pushed for 1 hour 45 minutes. Ashlyn was posterior (why i had back contractions) so she would progress and then just kinda get stuck. After an hour and some they decided to turn down the epidural so I could feel to push harder with each contraction. That's when it started to hurt, and I felt every bit of her coming out.

Luckily it was only about 15 minutes of discomfort through the whole process, I can't complain. Best part, Matt held one leg and my dad held the other. I can't imagine a better coach- he was patient and knew exactly what to do to help she and I progress better. The next hour was all a blur. I did have tears of joy followed by like 15 visitors.

The healing process has been good. I had a minor tear with a few stiches. I did have major swelling because of pushing for so long, but we are slowly getting back to normal. kinda felt like i slipped on ice and bruised my tailbone. Ashlyn caught right on with breast feeding, which is a huge sigh of relief.

It took us a whole day to name her, and we did flip a coin a few times, but we are very happy with our final decision (was between Ashlyn, Aubry, Caison). She is such a beautiful chubby cheeked blessing!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ashlyn Arrives Early

Not the wake up call I was expecting on Tuesday morning, but a welcome one all the same. Matt, Ashlyn and I are home and adjusting well. I will write all about her birth story and our first days at home in the upcoming days. She is a sleepy sleepy girl, but i'm not complaining. Thank you to everyone for the visits, phone calls, and kind words....this is a very exciting time for us. She has already changed so much in the past 4 days, here is a picture from last night.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Her world debut...

Weighing in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces

20 inches

Ashlyn Elizabeth Bayer

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In labor!

It's Ashley posting for Lindsey. Her water broke at 4.30 this morning and Baby B is on the way!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Maternity pics

Here are a few pics from the maternity photo shoot. I was not feeling at all cute that day, but they came out better than I was expecting. Matt was not into it at all, but he was a trooper and still took some photos with me. It was super hot and muggy so my hair was nasty and I was sticky. Check out the images she posted on her blog. This one is my favorite! http://krysiag.blogspot.com/

Please think happy thoughts today, my best friend Stephanie (in SC) is being induced. She was originally due 6 days before me, but the baby is big and she's gotten really uncomfortable so they are going early. I can't wait to hear about the birth/and the name of their baby girl. GOOD LUCK!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

37 Weeks

First off....Happy Birthday Mommy! Scary to think someone will be saying that to me some day. I love you to pieces and hope you have an amazing day!

Baby B is officially full term and could arrive any day! It's reassuring to know that she is now ready and strong enough to enter the world. The nerves are setting in, but I think we are ready. I've gotten all the sheets and clothes washed, and purchased any last minute things we'll need in the beginning. I try not to think about the labor so much, whatever happens happens. It is more bringing her home and knowing what to do that makes me anxious. I know it'll be fine, and I have a super supportive husband and family. I just have to keep reminding myself that no on knows what they are doing the first time around, and we'll learn as we go.

Next task is to get the hospital bag packed, and mom and I are going to pick out an outfit to bring her home in. My rocker arrived yesterday, so we'll probably go pick that up early next week. They are finishing the nursery painting on Monday. I can't wait to get it all back put together. Here is another view from the front.....excuse my not showered look:)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Diaper Bag Obsession

I absolutely love the Caden Lane Bowler Diaper Bag my mother gave me at my last shower. It seriously is the cutest, most adorable bag ever. I read reviews on how much people liked them, and how cute they were, but I was trusting the pictures. It is beyond what I was expecting. Not too big, not too small. It is brown and pink and looks like a trendy purse. The middle is polka dot and it all wipes clean. I can't wait to put this bad boy to use. Check out the site, everything is adorable. http://www.cadenlaneco.com/

Monday, September 15, 2008


We are one of the lucky ones. 700,000 homes in Cincinnati are without power cause of the wind damage yesterday. All the streets around us are out, but somehow our neighborhood falls into a grid with power. I'm not complaining, I was very thankful for air conditioning and a working refrigerator yesterday. All the schools are closed, traffic lights out, ect from downtown Cincinnati up through Dayton. Ike definitely showed itself in full force in ohio, it was crazy!

Weekend was pretty much a bust. I think the maternity shots will be ok, but it was super hot and muggy and my hair was frizzy and I just didn't feel cute. The ohio state game was a complete joke, followed by a very long and frustrating night of being sober when you are surrounded/and driving around drunk people. *The car wouldn't start at the end of the night, one person was puking out the car door, people were grumpy, it was just not a good night!!!!! Then top it all off with a HORRIBLE Bengals game, with 50 mph winds that were crazy strong.

My Dr.'s appt. was cancelled cause dad's office has no power, so we'll see what they have to say on Wednesday. Oh yeah, had a job interview last week, fingers crossed I get some positive feedback. Otherwise, hoping for a much less "stormy" September week.

Friday, September 12, 2008

36 Weeks

My blood pressure was up again last night, but it is back down this morning. Not really sure what is making it fluctuate up and down the past two weeks. I can tell when it goes up cause my heart races really quickly and I have to take deep breaths. Hopefully it is nothing.

Going to be a busy weekend. Have my maternity photos tomorrow morning, and then my girlfriend Katie is stopping by for a visit. I can't wait to see her!!!! I think a bunch of Matt's friends are coming down for the Ohio State game. Then we've got the dreaded Bengals game on Sunday.

The ladies are busy working on the murals, but it's only about half done. I'll post pics when it looks more together, i think it's gonna be really cute!!!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My little Ewok

Had an ultrasound this morning. Everything looks really good. There is plenty of fluid, all her organs look great, and her diaphragm is moving in and out. It said she is at 5 lbs 12 oz. If that is accurate she should be around mid to upper 7's when she's born. She seriously has the cutest chubbiest little cheeks, guess she is going to take after her father. I think she kinda looked like an Ewok! They also said she has a good bit of fuzz on her head, so maybe our child won't be bald:) (The ultrasound is looking straight down at the front of her face)

*My blood pressure had gone back down, so that is also a very very positive thing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Showers a Go Go

I had 2, yes 2 showers this weekend. They were both fantastic. We have gifts coming out the wazoo. This picture isn't nearly everything. I think we are more than set for the arrival of Baby B, and her first year:)
Once my aunt sends me pictures from the showers I will be sure to post some.

The 1st shower was a brunch given by all of my mother's friends. The food was fabulous, house was gorgeous, and perfect weather for eating out on the deck. I got so many amazing gifts, I can't even begin to describe. These woman are amazingly generous, we are so grateful for everything they did. They purchased our stroller......I love it, and LOVE the orange! Let's think Clemson, NOT BENGALS!!!!

The second shower was with all of my mom's family. I'm glad I gave them a reason to have a little family reunion. Again, fabulous weather, and of course Amazing Benham's food. The guys watched the Bengals lose, and we opened gifts. It was GREAT!!! Baby B is one lucky little girl.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The CW

I officially love the CW. The best thing about Fall is new shows coming on TV, and the CW never disappoints. This week has been beyond exciting with the premiers of :

Gossip Girl


and America's Next Top Model

I am also really excited about the new show Privileged premiering next Tuesday. Thanks CW for keeping me entertained after very long days!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

35 Weeks

The carpet came. It is super soft, and definitely the size we were picturing for the room. It isn't yellow at all, which is what I was assuming, but the white color works. It looks much better in person, and it feels great on your feet. They are going to start painting the murals on Monday!

Here is my 35 week picture. Baby B is growing growing growing. Crazy to think how fast you expand in the last 2 months compared to the rest of the pregnancy. Belly button is definitely flat! Went and checked my BP at Wal-mart, is has gone down since yesterday so that is a very good thing. I am getting an ultrasound next Wednesday to check out her size. I'm excited to see the difference from my 19 week ultrasound. She's gonna be so big!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend and Stress

Labor day was a hot, but eventful weekend.

Saturday we had Matt's 10 year reunion for Alter. I had my camera, but never got it out to take pictures. There were several other pregnant girls there, so at least I had some sober girls to sit and observe with. I'd say they had about 60 or so people come. Nothing too wild and crazy, just a bunch of drunk people hanging out at the Holiday Inn by the mall. I surprisingly know a lot of people in his class, so it really wasn't too bad.

We spent most of the day on Sunday at Alms Park in Cincinnati and then caught some of the fireworks. Next year we are hoping to get a ton of people together to go downtown to watch them, it is a great show they put on over the river.

Monday we didn't labor too hard, read and lounged around and then went to Matt's parents house to grill out. It was a nice holiday weekend.

Had a Dr.'s appointment this morning. They were a bit concerned because my blood pressure was up quite a bit. I don't have any protein in my urine, but they told me to pay attention if I start swelling or getting headaches. Made me a little nervous, but maybe it is just stress or I laid on the right side too much last night! I had actually lost a little weight since my last appointment, which i'm not sure how- I've grown a lot in 2 weeks. Also had the Strep test done, but otherwise we are set for another week. Fingers crossed my BP goes down and all is well.