Went for my big Ultrasound when I got back from Vacation. I was exactly 19 weeks that afternoon. They normally don't like to do the ultrasounds at Dad's office until 24 weeks, but dad told me to go ahead and find out if I wanted. I was so excited and dying to know. Had to work on Matt a little bit, but he was finally ok with finding out.
Matt couldn't take anymore time of work, so Sarah and my mom both came with me. I hadn't gotten to see the baby look like anything more than a fluid sac, so I was excited to finally see a baby in there. We called Matt on speaker phone so he could hear at the same time. When she said- "here are the little girl parts" I just melted and was so excited. Matt was silent, but happy everything looked good. He's looking forward to a little girl, but as with most guys, was hoping his first would be a boy. Guess we'll just have to try again:)
She was moving around a lot (probably helped that I drank some mountain dew to get her moving). She even kicked me a few times, it was so cute. I had a gut feeling it was a girl. Not sure if it was instinct or just a secret hope. Either way, we are blessed and the Bayers are so excited to FINALLY bring a girl into the family.
Found out the same afternoon that Stephanie is also having a girl! Almost scary how these pregnancies are following each other. We are going to have so many fun stories to share- I can't wait!!!
I'm open to any little girl names suggestions- bring um on!