Saturday, May 31, 2008

Team Pink

Went for my big Ultrasound when I got back from Vacation. I was exactly 19 weeks that afternoon. They normally don't like to do the ultrasounds at Dad's office until 24 weeks, but dad told me to go ahead and find out if I wanted. I was so excited and dying to know. Had to work on Matt a little bit, but he was finally ok with finding out.

Matt couldn't take anymore time of work, so Sarah and my mom both came with me. I hadn't gotten to see the baby look like anything more than a fluid sac, so I was excited to finally see a baby in there. We called Matt on speaker phone so he could hear at the same time. When she said- "here are the little girl parts" I just melted and was so excited. Matt was silent, but happy everything looked good. He's looking forward to a little girl, but as with most guys, was hoping his first would be a boy. Guess we'll just have to try again:)

She was moving around a lot (probably helped that I drank some mountain dew to get her moving). She even kicked me a few times, it was so cute. I had a gut feeling it was a girl. Not sure if it was instinct or just a secret hope. Either way, we are blessed and the Bayers are so excited to FINALLY bring a girl into the family.

Found out the same afternoon that Stephanie is also having a girl! Almost scary how these pregnancies are following each other. We are going to have so many fun stories to share- I can't wait!!!

I'm open to any little girl names suggestions- bring um on!


Whoever says Disney is not a magical place, is wrong!
I totally felt like a kid again enjoying two days at disney world. My mom wanted to take Madison to Disney, so we spent an afternoon at the Animal kingdom and a whole day at Magic Kingdom. Not a lot has changed since the last time I went to Disney, but it was still so much fun.

We didn't have more than a 20 minute wait for any of the rides, it was crazy. We did everything Madison was big enough to do (and a few extras). Had dinner with Cinderella, and breakfast with Mickey. Madison wasn't quite sure about the characters, but she sure talked them up once they walked away. The firework show on Friday night was unbelievable, worth staying up late for. Nothing beats the parades, and family fun disney provides. I secretly can't wait to go back!

Sea Island

We had an unbelievable week in Sea Island, GA. Once the hussle of the wedding weekend died down- we had lots of time to relax and spend some quality family time together. We sat by the pool, walked the beach, ate way too much delicious homemade southern foods (hence my final weight gain) saw a movie, got massages, and just enjoyed everyone's company. Wasn't sure how putting the whole family in one house would go- but it was beyond fabulous. Helps when the house is huge and everyone has their own bedroom and bathroom. Here are a few pictures from our first family vaction together in a long time- looking foward to many many more in the future.

Ashley's Wedding

Wow! I don't have much more to say that that. The wedding was fabulous, perfect, fun, and Ashley looked gorgeous! The weather held out, and turned out to be a perfect day. The garden was romantic, the ocean was gorgeous, the food was fabulous, band was great, and everything went as planned.
She ended up having 90 people at the wedding. It was great to see some old friends, and meet some I've heard about for years. I got the pleasure of running in circles with Madison all night (her idea of dancing). Guess that's what you get when you are pregnant and can't drink and take shots with the big kids.

We ate smores, undulged in macaroni and cheese, and enjoyed an evening of greatness. I couldn't have planned it any better myself:) From the Friday afternoon picnic, fabulous rehearsal dinner, the wedding, and a delicious Sunday brunch: A wedding weekend no one is soon to forget!

18 Weeks

I somehow deleted my picture of my 16 week bump. Honestly, it doesn't look that different that this one so there isn't much to share. Here is my lovely belly on vacation at 18 weeks. Still didn't look overly pregnant. What a difference a week can make though- I popped about a week later.

Sometimes life throws you for a loop

So it has been a month and a half since my last post. I have tons to post, and will probably do about 8 of them within the next day.

We are finally settled into the house. I haven't taken any new photos, but will do so this week. We moved in the middle of April, and then I left for a 2 week vacation for my sisters wedding. Kinda chaotic to leave a house in boxes, but it was the best thing I could have done. We've made the house feel like our home, but still have lots of bare walls and personal touches to add. With a house this big- a lot is going to sit empty for awhile. It does feel like home though, which is a great feeling.

I am looking for a new job in Cincinnati. It has been really hectic with tons of meetings with brides, and weddings every weekend. Nice to be bringing in some sort of income- but leaves my calendar very busy in the mean time. I have some great possibilities, but with all things, it comes down to timing and it hasn't fallen into place just yet. I am hoping by mid summer everything will fall into place- it always seems to work out in the end.

Best news yet- May has been a morning sickness free month. After a miserable 12 weeks of morning sickness, it finally passed. I feel like a new person, it is such a great feeling. I had 2 days when i got sick this month- but i've also been under an immense amount of stress which I feel can take it's toll. I've started to have this really uncomfortable back pain on my right side, but am unsure if it is a pulled muscle or pregnancy induced. Not fun either way!

I should be back to updating life on a regular basis. Our internet had some major issues when we moved in, but we are finally up and running full swing. Look for lots of exciting news to come:)